With modern and high-speed automatic machines, we can produce the furniture legs, wooden tables, bed frames, elements of the fence even after your request as soon as possible. Products may also be referred to other types of wood (oak, maple, ash, ....), but they can be processed in a process of surface treatment by means of stains and colors in multiple shades and fashion accessories. Send us your inquiry, we are confident that we will find a common solution.
With modern and high-speed automatic machines, we can produce the furniture legs, wooden tables, bed frames, elements of the fence even after your request as soon as possible. Products may also be referred to other types of wood (oak, maple, ash, ....), but they can be processed in a process of surface treatment by means of stains and colors in multiple shades and fashion accessories. Send us your inquiry, we are confident that we will find a common solution.
Coffee tables are functional and most stylish pieces of furniture that find themselves in most living rooms. If you prefer a more classic, rustic or Scandinavian style, complete with wooden table space, supporters of a more modern design style & nbsp; it may fit better with coffee table with glass surface and clean lines.
Bed frame is the one piece of furniture in our home, which expresses our personal style and the style of the whole bedroom. We can provide you high quality and modern beds from wood and metal frames, as well as those with a padded backrest. Bed frames in our offer are of different sizes and therefore suitable for all sizes of premises. Find suitable for you and your Get into an oasis of peace to their taste.
Railings on stairways, galleries and balconies can from now on compose yourself. Our offer includes rzlične designs supporting pillars, handles and intermediate pillars, which will liven up your home. You can also turned prvokotnimi and combined elements.
Furniture legs are an indispensable element of interior furniture. You can use them in their beds, sofas, chairs, freestanding cabinets ... Below we offer a wide range of designs, colors and shapes.
Keep your cooking even more fun, your cookware even more colorful! Practical elegance of our devices beautifies just about any kitchen. Find cute accessories such as the choke for the knife, cutting boards, various containers, tweezers, and many other products.
A safe holder for your knives. Holder is made from massive beech wood and is a nice decoration for your kitchen.
Wooden bowl, made from different types of wood is a beautiful decoration for your kitchen. Fill it with fruits, candies.
Materials: beech wood
Dimensions: φ50 x 136 mm
Surface treatment: lacquered
Accessories: screw(M8)
Material: beech wood
Dimensions: φ42 x 127 mm
Surface treatment: coloured + lacquered
accessories: screw(M8)
Material: beech wood
Dimensions: φ46 x 155 mm
Surface treatment: coloured + laquered
accessories: screw(M8)
Material: beech wood
Dimensions: φ69 x 100 mm
Surface treatment: laquered, varnished + laquered
Accessories: screw(M8), slider
Material: beech wood
Dimensions: φ61 x 71 mm
Surface treatment: laquered
Accessories: screw(M8), slider
Materials: beech wood
Dimensions: φ68 x 71 mm
Surface treatment: lacquered
Accessories: screw(M8), slider
Materials: beech wood
Dimensions: φ68 x 100 mm
Surface treatment: lacquered
Accessories: screw(M8), slider
Materials: beech wood
Dimensions: φ68 x 120 mm
Surface treatment: lacquered
Accessories: screw(M8), slider
Materials: beech wood
Dimensions: φ61 x 100 mm
Surface treatment: lakirano
Accessories: screw(M8)
Materials: beech wood
Dimensions: φ61 x 200 mm
Surface treatment: lacquered
Accessories: screw(M8), slider
Materials: beech wood
Dimensions: φ61 x 200 mm
Surface treatment: varnished + lacquered
Dodatki: vijak(M8)
Igralne figurice
Lesene kroglice velikosti od 4mm do 60mm.Kroglice imajo luknje različnih dimenzij.
Lahko so neobdelane ali pa površinsko obdelane (barvane,lakirane,parafinirane,oljene)
Premera od 10mm do 60mm.
Lesena jajca
Izdelujemo palice različnih premerov in dolžin.
Pošljite nam povpraševanje.
Izdelani so iz različnih vrst lesa, možne so različne oblike, vrste površinske obdelave,...
Pošljite nam izdelek ki si ga želite.
Posodice za svečke
Želite stružen izdelek po naročilu?
Pošljite nam sliko,skico, ali načrt z dimenzijami, ter zahtevano količino.
V najkrajšem možnem času Vam bomo odgovorili.
V podjetju Kljun International d.o.o., skrbimo za čim manjše onesnaževanje okolja, zato žagovino ki nastane pri obdelavi in predelavi lesa predelamo v kvalitetno biomaso.
Naravni bukovi briketi so izdelani okolju prijazno ter brez vsakršnih primesi.
Pakirani so v žaklje po 30 kg.
Pošljite nam povpraševanje.
Poraba peletov se iz leto v leto povečuje.
Pošljite nam povpraševanje.
Izdelki po narocilu
Material: bukov les Dimenzije: Površinska obdelava: lakirano Dodatki: vijak(M8)
Material: beech wood
Dimensions:by agreement
Surface treatment: laquered
Accessories: GSM wireless charger
Material: beech wood
Dimensions:by agreement
Surface treatment: laquered
Accessories: GSM wireless charger
Material: beech wood
Dimensions:by agreement
Surface treatment: laquered
Accessories: GSM wireless charger
Material: beech wood
Dimensions:by agreement
Surface treatment: laquered
Accessories: GSM wireless charger
With modern and high-speed automatic machines, we can produce the furniture legs, wooden tables, bed frames, elements of the fence even after your request as soon as possible. Products may also be referred to other types of wood (oak, maple, ash, ....), but they can be processed in a process of surface treatment by means of stains and colors in multiple shades and fashion accessories. Send us your inquiry, we are confident that we will find a common solution.
With modern and high-speed automatic machines, we can produce the furniture legs, wooden tables, bed frames, elements of the fence even after your request as soon as possible. Products may also be referred to other types of wood (oak, maple, ash, ....), but they can be processed in a process of surface treatment by means of stains and colors in multiple shades and fashion accessories. Send us your inquiry, we are confident that we will find a common solution.
With modern and high-speed automatic machines, we can produce the furniture legs, wooden tables, bed frames, elements of the fence even after your request as soon as possible. Products may also be referred to other types of wood (oak, maple, ash, ....), but they can be processed in a process of surface treatment by means of stains and colors in multiple shades and fashion accessories. Send us your inquiry, we are confident that we will find a common solution.
Nočna omarica v stilu 50-let, ki v sebi skriva invoativno rešitev - v omarico je vgrajen brezžični polnilec za vaš mobilni telefon.
Nočna omarica v stilu 50-let, ki v sebi skriva invoativno rešitev - v omarico je vgrajen brezžični polnilec za vaš mobilni telefon.
Stilno dovršen, premišljeno oblikovan kos pohištva, bo dvignil vaše bivalno udobje. V sebi skriva inovativno tehnologijo za brezžično polnjenje vaših mobilnih naprav in vam omogoča, da jih vedno diskretno in hitro napolnite, hkrati pa uživate v prijetno opremljenih prostorih in seveda mizico uporabljate tudi na klasičen način.
Bukovi briketi izdelani iz čiste bukovine brez dodanih primesi. • Visoka kurilna vrednost • Pakirani v vreče po 14kg • Zloženi na paleto
Obrtna cona Ugar 17, 1310 Ribnica Slovenija
Phone: +386 01/83 63 126
email: info@kljun.si
Obrtna Cona ugar 17, 1310 Ribnica Slovenija
Phone: +386 01/83 63 126
Kušlanova 27, 10000 Zagreb Croatia
Phone: +385 (0)1/6443-700
Nakrivanj bb, 16203 Leskovac, Vučje
Phone: +381 (69) 230 13 12